Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, December 11th - Getting ready for Winter Break!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Temple Judea hosts a very special holiday party!
Our 7th graders hosted a holiday party for residents of MACTown. MACTown's primary mission is to improve the lives and further the independence of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in South Florida. We had 10 MACTown residents join us for dancing, latkes, picture frames and fun! Thanks to Lisa Heiblum for coordinating this awesome program!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4th at Temple Judea
Today we focused on Chanukah. We read "Engineer Ari and the Hanukah Mishap" and "A Chanukah Riddle book." We painted menorahs and made beautiful Chanukah wrapping paper. We had music with
Benny and closed with Family Tefilah. Next week we have our class Chanukah party.
1st Grade
Excitement is in the air as we prepare to celebrate Chanukah. Students acted out the story of Chanukah. We discussed the miracle of the oil. We made shields to remind ourselves that we must be brave like Judah the Maccabee. We must do everything we can to keep our freedom and help others to achieve the same.
November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A Super Sunday - Here's what happened on 11.20.11
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Our First Kitah Kef (and other events from 11.16.11)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Sunday, November 13th Spotlight
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Sunday, November 6th - Here's what happened!
November 4th - Religious School Highlights!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30th Highlights!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Wednesday Events (10/26/11)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
What happened on Sunday! (10/23/11)
Our focus today was the concept of “Love your neighbor as yourself." We drew pictures to put up on the bulletin board of ways we can treat friends (neighbors) in the same manner that we would like to be treated in. We learned about Rabbi Hillel and learning Torah while standing on one foot!
First gradeToday’s class focused on Genesis chapter 1 and 2 – The stories of Creation. We learned that God created in an order and the process of Creation ends with Shabbat: a celebration of that Creation. The second story teaches us that we must take care of the world. God created Adam and Eve to help each other. We made a chart of the creation process and we made a tree with the name of the people who help us.Second Grade - Mr. Levy
Today we made edible Torahs and learned the Hebrew letters Resh and Chaf.
Second Grade - Mrs. Rodriguez
We learn how to say my name is in Hebrew. We had recess and played Masoret.
3rd gradeIn Hebrew we reviewed our third vowel sound—the E vowel. We also learned a new letter, Dalet, and started to learn about the silent vowel. After music, the class was split into two teams, Beersheva and Sde Boker, two important places in the Negev desert. They learned about an important person connected to the place and a little about why people visit there before presenting about the place to the class!4th grade HebrewWe learned vav and vet and mitzvah (commandment) and Havdalah (separation). We played a game with all of our Hebrew key words and we learned about the Havdalah ceremony.
4th grade Judaic Studies
We created a diary for Adam or Eve and discussed if we would like to forever live in the garden of Eden or venture into the world.
5th grade
In Hebrew we continued to work on the Yotzer Or (thanks to Seth, our sub). In Judaic Studies we continued our discussion of Hachnasat orchim. After brief review, we read the story of “Joshua sends spies to Canaan.” When we completed the story, we compared Rahav with other characters who exemplify the values of Hachnasat orchim, like Abraham, Boaz, and Ruth. We finished the day looking at the children's story written by Gilad Shalit when he was 11.
6th grade
Today we had our first Yachdav class. This is the program partnering us with a school in Israel. This session was made up of two stages: a game and a trigger poem entitled “That kid is me" by Yehuda Atlas. After the reading we discussed what things you need to find out in order to know somebody. Each student wrote facts that make him or her special. We also had our first Jewish Lens class with Candice Maze and talked about objective and subjective interpretations of photographs!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
It's Simchat Torah - 10/19 Update!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Sunday, October 16 Highlights!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Hag Sameach - Happy Sukkot! 10/12/11
Friday, October 7, 2011
Wednesday,October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Kindergarten focused on Yom Kippur, their actions during the past years, how we pray for forgiveness, as well as having better behavior in the future. We read the story about K'tonton (Jewish Tom Thumb), the Yom Kippur Kitten and Jonah. Then we made our own big fish books! We also enjoyed music class with Benny. We continue to work on our songs that will be sung at consecration. First Grade prepared for Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. It is a time to reflect on how we behaved during the past year. We say “I’m sorry” to the people we not act correctly with. We then drew pictures of the things we were sorry for and we promised to try harder to be the best we can be. We recognize we missed the mark and we are determined to do our best to hit the bull’s eye with our actions next year. Second Grade learned about how hard it is to do Teshuvah! Third Grade learned the Hebrew letters Mem & Laned. They wrote personal letters to God asking for forgiveness so that we can have a happy 5772. In Judiac Studies we finished our brochure on the Negev. We learned what children in Israel do during Yom Kippur. We also learned about the high priest and what would happen when he entered the Holy of Holies. Fourth Grade read the story of Jonah and the students illustrated the story and wrote “What is the message of the story? Why is it read on Yom Kippur afternoon?" In art we made Siddur covers. Fifth Grade started yotzer or. Please practice lines 1-3. The Judaic Studies class started our new unit, Hachnasat orchim. We read he story of “Abraham and the three vistors” and came up with a list of how to best welcome guests to our homes. Finally, we created skits that demonstrated how Abraham would act in variety of situations. We learned it is a Jewish value to welcome people into our homes. Sixth Grade began the learning of the Haftorah blessings and discussed the meaning of the root. We made the connection to the time of the Maccabees when Antiochus banned Jewish practice and we made a connection to our freedom. We also completed our letters to God that soon will be posted on the classroom board. In Judiac Studies we read and discussed the history and culture of Tel Aviv.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Highlights from 9/25
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday was Great! 9/21
Monday, September 19, 2011
Judea High's Elul Playlist

Teen Pics:
Hakuna Matata (Lion King)
In My Life (Beatles)
Uncharted (Sara Bareilles)
Life's What You Make It
Born This Way (Lady Gaga)
Float Away (Modest Mouse)
Apologize (One Republic)
Stronger (Kanye West)
Where is the Love (Black Eyed Peas)
Don't Stop Believin' (Journey)
Need You Now (Lady Antebellum)
Hey You (Pink Floyd)
21 Questions (50cent)
Skyscraper (Demi Lovato)
Waving Flag (K'naan)
Bless the Broken Road (Rascal Flatts)
Here Comes the Sun (Beatles)
I'll Be There (Jackson 5)
One Day (Matisyahu)
Staff Pics:
Coming Home (P. Diddy & Dirty Money)
Best Day Ever (Mac Miller)
Amazing (Christina Aguilera)
Man in the Mirror (Michael Jackson)
I'm Not Afraid (Eminem)
I Should Have Known (Foo Fighters)
Seasons of Love (Rent)
Whatcha Say (Jason Derulo)
Firework (Katy Perry)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sunday Sept. 18th - AMAZING Parent Open House
First Grade learned about Rosh Hashanah: its meaning, symbols and rituals. We also learned about the importance of community. Kindergarten focused on Rosh Hashanah and committing to good behavior towards others in the year ahead. We learned about Tashlich – the casting off of our bad behaviors. We threw bread crumbs into the water table on the playground to represent the things we have done wrong in the past year. Our 2nd graders learned the Hebrew letter “Bet” and spoke about why we should learn Hebrew and the importance of the language. The third grade began our study of Hebrew, exploring why we read from right to left. We also learned shin and the ah vowels. In Judaic studies we created our passports & did a word search. 4th Grade reviewed dalet, the o vowel and did a reading game with our new letters and words. In Judaic studies we took a tour of the torah museum & met the 5 main people who took us through each book. 6th Grade Judaic studies completed our final historic word splash. This word splash was about the Holocaust. Today we also continued learning the Birkot HaTorah. We are in the second part of our letters to God, and Today the students started their decorations. 5th Grade officially started our first Judaic Studies unit, Talmud Torah. We read various Brachot for inspiration and upon completing our discussion created and illustrated our very own prayers. The Hebrew class took a short quiz to see what they know really well and what they still need to learn. There are many students who are confused with the vowels. Please study the vowels for 10 minutes each day using your vowel pamphlet or the back of your blue machberet (notebook). Thank you to all the parents who were able to be at open house. It was wonderful seeing you!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Here's what happened Wednesday 9/14/11
Hebrew: On Wednesday we learned Ayin, Bet, Aleph. Our new words were Abba (dad), am (people). We played a Hebrew reading game with our new letters and words. We sang Rosh Hashanna songs and reviewed the highlights, customs & terms in Hebrew.
Judaic studies: The class read and recited the prayer that is recited before the study of Torah. Many students wrote their own meaningful prayers and we briefly spoke about the five books of Torah.
5th Grade
Hebrew: Student discussed why Hebrew is important to them. They reviewed vowels and the Barechu. Sunday we will have an assessment, so please study the vowel pamphlet given out! I look forward to seeing parents come to open house and sharing the goals for this year. Your support is essential to your child’s success.
Judaic studies: Today in class we discussed how to look up specific sentences in the torah. As a fun,
Friday, September 16, 2011
September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Professional Development
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
8th Grade - First Night at Judea High

Sunday, September 11, 2011
First Sunday - Temple Judea was jumping!!
All K-6 students, led by Ali Gates, JTY Social Action Vice President, and Youth Director Sharon Israel, assembled over 1,000 emergency care kits that will be delivered to the homeless in Miami through the Lotus House Shelter, Camillus House, and the Miami Coalition for the Homeless. What a great way to start the year!
Wondering what the kids were doing all day? Look at these summary statements from this morning's classes!
Kindergarten: The focus of today's lesson was introducing children
September 11, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
AWESOME First Wednesday!
4th graders met their Hebrew and Judaic Studies teachers! In Hebrew it was time to review the letters and vowels and start to get in the mood for Rosh Hashanah. In Judaic Studies we played a few games to get to know each other and created rules that will make for a happy environment.
5th graders had the chance to play Temple Judea bingo - asking each other all kinds of fun questions (and working on listening skills). In Hebrew, the class discussed their expectations and goals for the year.
6th graders spent the afternoon talking about what they would be learning this year, and what knowledge about Hebrew and Israel they are bringing to this year of study!
7th graders got into their class with a number of ice-breaker games - to reconnect with each other and the 7th grade teaching team. The group then reflected on what they have learned since they began school in preschool and ended with what they wanted to learn in the coming year.
We can already tell it is going to be a GREAT year!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Welcome Back!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
May 22 - Last Day of Religious School!

wish our families and friends a
fantastic, safe and healthy summer!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Sunday, May 15 Highlights!
Our fifth graders finished their CD of all the Hebrew prayers. Everyone
Friday, May 13, 2011
Teacher Appreciation Week!

We love our teachers! This week, our Religious School teachers at Temple Judea were treated to a wonderful dinner hosted by our very own Education Committee. Thank you to everyone on the committee for making the dinner beautiful and festive! Appreciation for our teachers and staff will continue this evening in the Sanctuary and Grossman Room as we honor the faculty and enjoy a delicious Oneg afterwards. A huge thank you to all of our dedicated, hard-working, awesome teachers!
Wednesday Highlights - May 11, 2011
Fifth grade discussed the funeral process as part of their lifecycle curriculum. Everyone made their own copies of Jewish mourning manuals, and wrote eulogies for deceased family members, friends and well-known celebrities. Overall the students learned the importance of the step by step process of what happens when someone passes away.
Our sixth graders reviewed information for the quiz this coming Sunday in Judaic Studies. In Hebrew, the students focused on the word kadosh (holy) in their prayers as they discussed the importance of this concept and explored its meaning.
Seventh grade continued with their cohorts in the first hour. In second hour, they joined the sixth grade for a Kitah Kef that demonstrated their knowledge about Israel!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Highlights - Wed. 5/5/2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Highlights from Sunday, May 1!
In first grade, the class focused on the Shehecheyanu blessing - a
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Sunday, April 10 Highlights
In Kindergarten, the children learned
Sunday, April 10, 2011
4th Grade Parent Program
Highlights from Wednesday, April 6
Fifth grade Hebrew students finished learning the G'vurot, and everyone worked with a partner to make sure they were reading the prayer correctly. In Judaic Studies, fifth graders continued their discussjon of marriage. Everyone made a list of questions they had about what a Jewish marriage is so they can ask the Rabbis at a later date.
Sixth graders watched a video about Israeli Mitzvah heroes in Judaic Studies, and learned about how even an average citizen can do his or her part to save the world. In Hebrew, the students watched a video that focused on the first parsha in the Book of Exodus, and discussed how Moses needed to overcome his disabilities to fulfill his mission.
Finally, our seventh graders continued their study of ways in which they can get involved by looking at the world. With tikkun olam (fixing the world) in mind, they looked at advocacy as an option, and they explored how advocacy is different from direct action. Everyone had the opportunity to think about how they could use advocacy to apply it to an issue they care about.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
NATE Accreditation Welcome
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunday Highlights - April 3, 2011
Kindergarteners also reviewed those important Four Questions with Ms. Meredith. They had a discussion about the questions and some of the symbolism of Passover, including why we recline on this holiday. Everyone decorated cushion covers for the families to use for their special reclining at their Seder.
First graders also had a chance to talk about symbolism while discussing the Seder plate and some of the traditions of Passover. They discussed the ten plagues using masks and volunteers. Everyone joined in as they played a fun riddle game called "Who am I?" to show off their Passover knowledge as well!
In second grade, after the Art project and a review of some Passover prayers, everyone enjoyed learning special Hebrew words and playing games with their new vocabulary. Students in Ms. Miriam's class played Mazoret and the winners received prizes!
Our third graders learned
Friday, April 1, 2011
Highlights from Wednesday, 3/30!
Our fifth graders continued their work on the G'vurot, and have finished half the prayer. Taking a step back and looking at all they have learned to date, they recapped and were impressed to see how many prayers they have memorized! In Judaic Studies, they talked about conversion and Judaism. By reading the story of Ruth - the story of the first conversion - the students were able to recognize the positive manner in which conversion is viewed by Jews from all over.
Fourth Grade continued studying their Passover prep, including the Four Questions, and retold the Passover story using key Hebrew words. The also played a fun game related to the V'ahavta. See you on Sunday!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Officer Jackson visits Judea High!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sunday, March 27 Highlights!
First grade jumped right in as they began discussing the Exodus story and acting it out. They decorated cups for Elijah and Miriam, and played a chametz-sorting game - fun! The Hebrew letter of the day was mem, and the class made a big letter mem out of M&Ms!
Second graders were reintroduced to the Four Questions for Passover, and learned a few new Hebrew
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Wednesday, March 9 Highlights!
The fifth graders continued discussing the various types of mitzvot: tikkun olam, g'milut hasadim, kashrut, tzedakah, hachnasat orchim and bikkur holim. Everyone wrote down the different ways they could perform these mitzvot on a daily basis.
Sixth grade focused on Purim today in Hebrew. In the first hour, they reviewed the mitzvot and traditions of the holiday, and discussed its role in the Midrash. In Judaic Studies, everyone participated in reading and discussing biblical stories. Learning more about Jerusalem, they studied subjects like the Kotel and how marriages are performed and perceived.
The seventh graders continued with their cohorts in the first hour, and joined up with the sixth grade in second hour as they enjoyed Kitah Kef together. They continued working on their awesome booths for the Purim Carnival.
Remember - Wednesday, March 23rd at 5:30-6:15 pm for Purim Shpiel and 6:15-8:00 pm for Carnival!! Until then, have a wonderful Spring Break!!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
March 6th Highlights!
Purim preparations were afoot in many classes. Our kindergarteners put on their own Purim shpiel and created Purim masks. The first grade made paper hamentashen and had a mishloach manot exchange. Our second grade classes joined together to bake yummy hamentashen under Mrs. Rodriguez's watchful eye.
The third grade used all kinds of methods to review Hebrew letters, including play-dough! Their Israel journeys took them to Modi'in, home of Judah Maccabee (who is related to another Jewish holiday. Fourth graders reviewed the Purim story in Hebrew and had a chance to act out
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
March 2, 2011 Highlights!
The sixth and seventh graders had their opportunity to do the same in Kitah Kef during second hour -everyone had a great time coming up with ideas and putting them in to action. Next week, we will have the same Kitah Kef schedule for the 4th through 7th graders so they can finish up.
Fourth grade in second hour had a chance to be tested in Hebrew as a few people chanted the V'ahavta and the Hatikvah. The fifth grade reviewed their Hebrew Mastery Books in Hebrew class, and the Judaic Studies class discussed
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Today's Highlights - Sunday, February 27, 2011
The rest of the Religious School stayed busy in classes as the Kindergarteners began discussing the story of Purim and made a puppet of characters such as Mordechai, Esther and Haman. First graders completed their Genesis journey today with