Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunday, December 4th at Temple Judea

Today we focused on Chanukah. We read "Engineer Ari and the Hanukah Mishap" and "A Chanukah Riddle book." We painted menorahs and made beautiful Chanukah wrapping paper. We had music with
Benny and closed with Family Tefilah. Next week we have our class Chanukah party.
1st Grade
Excitement is in the air as we prepare to celebrate Chanukah. Students acted out the story of Chanukah. We discussed the miracle of the oil. We made shields to remind ourselves that we must be brave like Judah the Maccabee. We must do everything we can to keep our freedom and help others to achieve the same.
We discussed the symbols of Chanukah and could smell and taste the latkes is we sang Chanukah songs. We look forward to our chanukah party next Sunday.
2nd Grade
We continued our journey with Exodus by discussing what it is like to be a slave & how people should be treated. We learned the significance of hanukkah and the candle blessings.
3rd Grade
Today in Hebrew we learned the dagesh. We also played a Hebrew letter & vowel match game. We also learned about the 6 day war by playing capture the flag.
4th Grade
In Judaic Studies we spoke about the new creation story. Noah the meaning of his name was discussed. The Davar HaYom was "omniscient" and "covenant." In Hebrew we told the story of Chanukah pointing out Hebrew words and we sang the blessings over lighting the Chanukkiah. We had a drill with all the Hebrew vowels and reviewed reading words with the letter and vowel combination that can be confusing.
5th Grade
In Judaic Studies we started our new unit, 'Ometz Lev." First, we spoke about different types of courage--both physical and moral. Then, we read the story of David and Goliath. Finally, we created marketing
campaigns for Ometz Lev to familiarize everyone with what it means to have courage.
6th Grade
Today in 6th grade Judaic studies we reviewed the chapter on Haifa. We worked as a class to make a word splash to focus on the important information.

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