Monday, November 19, 2012

Religious School Updates: Here's what you missed!

There's always something fun to do at the Shir Ami Religious School at Temple Judea!

Students in Kindergarten enjoyed a fun filled family program. Families learned  to add a Jewish component to their child’s bedtime rituals.  

Third Grade reviewed the verbs the students learned earlier in the school year. Students also played a game to practice and reinforce their Hebrew commands.

Second grade started reviewing their Hebrew by playing bingo with the letters and vowels they learned earlier in the school year. In addition students learned more about Moses and when the Jews were slaves in Egypt.

On Sunday Fourth Grade spoke about allegories. Using the dictionary, two students shared the definition of allegory. After that the class read Genesis Chapter 3 verses 1-7. The class discussed how they can discipline themselves from temptation. Fourth graders discussed the two forces within them, the Yetzer Tov and the Yetzer Hara

Today in class Fifth Grade Judaic Studies reflected on their personal views of Tzedek and what it means to be just. The students wrote letters to themselves of how they can act with Tzedek in their daily lives and how they can teach others how to use this value as well.

Fifth Grade Hebrew is learning the Gevurot prayer. They are also having fun with Hebrew-using phrases to say “I want.....” “Here is.....”

Today Sixth Grade prepared for their first exchange with the students’ Israeli pen pals. The students created ID Cards to send to their pen pals and also recorded video introductions. We also took a virtual tour of the school in Israel, Revivim Ganey Tikvah.

Childcare had a visit from our music specialist Benny!

Remember there will be no Religious School this Wednesday, November 21st or Sunday, November 25th. We're looking forward to seeing everyone when we resume classes Wednesday, November 28th. 

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