Monday, December 10, 2012

Here's what you missed: Chanukah Edition!

 Miss Mikki’s Kindergarten class started their day by reading "Maccabee: The Story of Hanukkah" by Hilda Balsley. Students spoke about the book’s refrain: "Sometimes it only takes a few, who know what's right, and do it too." Afterwards the class had fun painting dreidels, making Hanukkah cards and Hanukkah decorations.

The First Grade went on a field trip to Miami Beach for their Family Program on Sunday. Children and parents alike had a wonderful time!

Mrs. Rodriguez’s Second Grade class learned about Lashon Ha-Ra (an evil tongue) and how words can wound.  Students discussed how the Torah teaches us not to gossip and why. During Family Tefillah everyone enjoyed a rockin’ concert with Josh Nelson!


In Third Grade students learned new verbs like lesovev (to spin) as well as the word sivivon (dreidel). Then, students practiced forming phrases using their new vocabulary. The class also sang Chanukah songs and learned more Chanukah vocabulary words like levivah (latke) and sufganiah (jelly doughnut). Chag Urim Sameach Lechulam! Happy Festival of Lights from all of the children, parents and third grade teachers.

In Mrs. Bulbin’s Fourth Grade class students played a reading game with their vet and vov words. Fourth graders tested each other on singing the Chanukah blessings. Children also completed a page in their Chanukah booklet on identifying terms in Hebrew.

 Mrs.Goldberg’s Fifth Grade Hebrew class delved deeper into their study of Chanukah. The class learned the words light, to light, Chanukah menorah, sing, blessing, presents, candles, latkes and helper. The class also learned the  phrase 'a great miracle happened there.' Students practiced singing the blessings and read a play about Chanukah. 

Sarah’s Fifth Grade Judaic Studies class started a new unit dedicated to Ometz Lev – or courage in Hebrew. Students read the story of “David and Goliath” and made advertising slogans and symbols to better promote the story’s message.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone next Sunday, December 16th for all our classroom Chanukah parties. Thank you in advance to those who've volunteered to bring in food, drinks, plasticware, etc. 

Happy Chanukah from your Temple Judea Religious School Community :)

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