Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3/4/12 Highlights!

The 2nd grade took over the kitchen to make Hamentashen for Purim!

Today we were very busy putting finishing touches on our purim crowns, puppets, and masks. We also made Megillot and assembled “Shalach manot” bags for one another. Remember the Purim Carnival is Wednesday, March 7. I hope to see you all there. We do not have class
again until march 25th. Have a wonderful Spring Break!

First Grade
The class had a very exciting time making mishloach manot bags. We decorated with King Achashverosh, Queen Esther, Queen Vashti, Mordechai, and the evil Haman. Boo!!! The bags are going to an old-age home and rehablilitation center. Chag Purim Sameach to everyone!

Second Grade
We baked Hamantashen, and did a Purim Shpiel. Started to learn the 4 questions.

Third Grade
Today we learned samach in Hebrew. We also learned about The Galil and about Deborah. We worked in small groups to create Purim songs and got to sing one at Family Tefilah!

Fourth Grade
We played a game with Purim terms in Hebrew and we reviewed reading words with special rules. In Judaic Studies we continued to dig deep in to the stories of Genesis as we learned about the birth of Isaac!

Fifth Grade
Today in Judaic Studies we spoke about our personal relationships with God and faith. First, we wrote letter about Judaism to friends who are unfamiliar with the religion. Then, we spoke about the ways we are and are not like the characters from the Bible who show faith. Finally, we shared our letters with the class and discussed what faith means to each of us. In Hebrew we are continuing to make progress with the Amidah prayer.  Please try to practice over spring break. Happy Purim!
Sixth Grade
Today in 6th grade we wrote and answered questions about the Galilee region in Israel. In Hebrew students reflected on the Purim story. The combination of solidarity, faith and action helped Esther to achieve her goals.  The class identified the specifics of each of the three elements above that helped Esther achieve success.

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